Friday, December 23, 2011

Who's the victim here?

A YouTube clip that is causing controversy across the UK. You may have seen it, I hadn't. Until we landed yesterday I'd no idea it even existed. A student on a train in Scotland with the wrong ticket is ordered off by a conductor who is old enough to be his grandfather. Said student verbally abuses both the conductor and the other passengers in that carriage until a big chap steps in asks the conductor if he needs help with the problem and when the conductor says yes puts the kid off the train. After he does this he gets a round of applause from the other commuters. You cannot see the student's face and what should've happened is that the unnamed student learned a valuable lesson and the public got to realize that we can stand up for ourselves and others. What actually happened is this. The student revealed himself to be 19 year old Sam Main (remember that HR departments this little charmer will be looking for a job once he's graduated) and has been photographed looking like an angel with a scuffed face, I'm betting he isn't giving the money he gets from the interviews to any good causes. He loftily admits that he was out of order with the verbal abuse but says that he shouldn't have been thrown off the train especially by a member of the public. Seeing as the conductor couldn't have lifted a bag of sugar let alone an abusive 19 year old kid methinks he doth protest too much. And the have a go commuter? He has been charged with assault. Oh and the conductor is now under investigation. So here's the message loud and clear, don't interfere, standing up for your fellow man will get you a criminal record.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Who threatens Santa Claus?

A British teenager instead of writing a letter to Santa, has sent him an ultimatum. Give me the presents or Santa gets it (and I'll cook his reindeer). The little charmer (I'm being sarcastic here spoilt little brat would be far more appropriate) has a long list including the real Justin Bieber she is quoted as saying 'I don't see any problem with the letter, I want all of these things and I don't see why I shouldn't get them.'
Her mother says that she's going to try and get most of the things on her spoilt little kid's list. I don't know about you but I have two huge problems with this.
Firstly, she's thirteen! and still thinks that Santa exists and second and worst of all, her mother is indulging behaviour that will carry on into adulthood. What the kid needs is a good slap and no Christmas presents, instead she gets publicity in a national newspaper. If I could be a fly on the wall at their house on Christmas morning the meltdown when she doesn't get what she wants is going to be spectacular!

Here's the link to the article.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Your bargain or your life?

Ah Black Friday. Every year I think to myself, should I do it. I mean get up at 3am and queue in the freezing cold. Think of the money I'll save. But here's the truth, I am a lazy shopper and I shop local not big box and at 3am the only place I'm going to be is in bed. Looking at what happened over the weekend my opinion of 'the running of the bargaineers' still hasn't changed. The woman who pepper-sprayed a crowd to get her greedy little paws on an Xbox, the grandfather who may - or may not have been shoplifting but was brought to the ground by a zealot police officer who tackled him as if he was a suicide bomber and slammed him face first into the concrete floor. And the poor guy who had a heart attack and died, people just stepped over him. Also when they put up those lists of the worlds deadliest jobs, you would think the poor sap who has to open the doors of any store on Black Friday would get a mention. Bargains are material possessions, I prefer to enjoy Christmas with my family not in an emergency room.