Monday, October 22, 2012

Is it just me?

Or is social media becoming less of a communication tool and more of a nosy parker? I have been on Facebook for several years now, mainly to keep up with friends in faraway places, we get little snapshots of each others lives and that was fun. Now more and more I'm being told what I should like.

The rot started when FB went public, they need advertising revenue to keep the shareholders happy, I get that. I also understand that FB deems that my friends and I should have similar interests right? Wrong!

We aren't drones, my friends have wildly different opinions to me, and I don't care about that. I'm not going to stop being friends with someone because our political views don't match up or if they like Justin Bieber and I don't, or they love 50 shades of grey (and I don't). Our differences are the things that make us interesting. But I'm getting off topic here.

I have FB on my phone (or should I say had because I just deleted the app) and this morning in my news feed was a post about real estate from someone who is not a friend and which I am encouraged to 'like'. It was actually cathartic to delete the FB app. It still lurks on my computer but that doesn't issue a siren song of clicks beeps and pings. Mobile FB I'm not going to miss you at all.

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